Friday, January 16, 2009

Great Surprise of the World

May be the bird is the most beautiful creature on earth. We can see birds of different type and colored easily around us. Their world is so interesting.

1 There are approximately 9703 species of birds on this earth.

2 Some species are since long time. Sudan’s Red Sea Jilk Swallow bird was seen one time in 1984 when orange colored neck bird of these species are totally destroyed.

3 Ostrich is the biggest living bird on earth. It may be of 9 feet of height and 160Kg. of weight. This bird never drinks water.

4 Minimum of 115 species ware destroyed after 16th sanctuary.

5 New Zealand’s Dianras counted longest bird till now. Its length was 12.1 Feet.

6 Jant Teratarn’s wings spreads up to minimum of 19.5 feet and maximum of 25 feet.

7 World’s smallest bird is Humming Bird. Its weight is just of 1.6 Gram, which founds in Juba.

8 The egg of Apiyornis which founds in Madagascar was the biggest egg ever seen in all over world. The length of this egg was 39 Cm. long and of 12 liters. This egg was equal to Hen’s 220 eggs.

9 Bird Mesiluga Minika’s egg is the smallest egg. This bird gives mutter sized egg.

10 Length of the bird which can’t fly is just 5 inch and weight of 35 grams.

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